Michelle Shelburne, founder of Sanctuary Indy

Our Founder’s Story

Michelle Shelburne

Executive Director

Michelle has always found herself unable to look away from our city’s “literally” homeless. She worked several years for a Veteran service provider, serving those who are either homeless or imminently at risk of becoming homeless. She is also a member of the Indianapolis Continuum of Care, a Coordinated Entry System Skilled Assessor for the CoC, and canvasses the eastside of Indianapolis each week doing street outreach.

Since her childhood days in the Bay Area of California, Michelle has always been moved to help those sitting on a sidewalk feebly holding a sign for help. For over 20 years, she has worked in many capacities with those struggling with homelessness, from leading an organization for at-risk young adults to helping nomadic “travelers” with needed resources for addictions, food, and shelter – even spending weeks living with them in the Ocala Forest of Florida, as they escaped from our world they call “Babylon”.

Her deepest desire for change with our homeless came from what she experienced after walking alongside a dear family member who endured mental illness that led to months of homelessness. She was utterly shocked by the lack of access to attainable help for those compromised by their health and financial resources. Although there are providers in Central Indiana to help our homeless, they are not easy to find if you don’t know where to search. In addition, the timeframe of help is dismal.

In early 2020, while doing outreach at an encampment on a cold and clammy February day, Michelle briefly met Tina, a very nice older lady sitting by a campfire. Although over 60 years old, she had been living outside for over four years, struggling with both mental health and substance use disorder. As they parted, Tina affectionately stated “It was nice to meet you, Michelle.” A week later, Tina had passed away. Michelle couldn’t grasp how we as Hoosiers could continually allow that to happen. It left a deep mark on her heart, as she cried for someone she had only spent a few precious moments with. An elderly individual living four years outside in Indiana’s elements. Why? How? In Indianapolis!

This is where the fire was lit to fill the gap, through Sanctuary Indy.

Meet Our Founding Team

(from left to right)

Michelle Shelburne

Mary Ann Beale

April Vail

Angela Cahoon

Board Members

Theresa Patterson


Cody Walburn

Vice President

Mary Ann Beale


Heather Bennett


Devon Nave

David Price

Angie Reyes

Michelle Shelburne

April Vail